Warm conservatory and greenhouse plants

For gardeners with a warm, heated conservatory or greenhouse there are lots of interesting plants to choose from.

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Brunfelsia pauciflora
Brunfelsia pauciflora

Quick facts

Top 5 Plants
  • Brugmansia × candida ‘Grand Marnier’ AGM
  • Haemanthus albiflos
  • Brunsfelsia pauciflora AGM
  • Erythrina crista-galli AGM
  • Mandevilla splendens


For gardeners with a warm, heated conservatory or greenhouse there are lots of interesting plants to choose from. These include a wide range of plants from the subtropics and the tropics at high altitude, where night temperatures are somewhat lower than in the lowlands at these latitudes.

Practical considerations

The following is a selection of plants suitable for growing in heated conditions, with a minimum winter night temperature of 10-13°C (50-55°F). 

Many common houseplants will also thrive under these conditions.

(Note:  Some of the plants listed may tolerate lower temperatures, but it is advisable to try to maintain the given minimum winter night temperature levels.)

Suitable plants

For unheated structures see our page on plants for cool conservatories and greenhouses.


AGM = Denotes plants which have received the Society's Award of Garden Merit
(f) = Fragrant flowers or foliage


Aeschynanthus pulcher AGM: bright red flowers from summer to winter. Height: 75cm (30in)
Allamanda cathartica: yellow flowers from summer to autumn. Height to 16m (53ft)
Asparagus plumosus: grown for its foliage. Height to 3m (10ft)
A. falcatus: (f) tiny white flowers in spring. Height to 7m (23ft)
Bougainvillea × buttiana: bracts in yellow, purple or red from summer to autumn. Height: to 12m (39½ft)
Clerodendrum thomsoniae AGM: white and crimson flowers in summer. Height: 4m (13ft)
Epipremnum aureum (syn. Scindapsus aureus) AGM: grown as a foliage plant. Height to 12m (39½ft)
Ficus pumila AGM: grown as a foliage plant. Height to 5m (16ft)
Mandevilla splendens AGM: yellow and white-throated, deep-pink flowers in summer. Height to 5m (16ft)
Monstera deliciosa AGM: grown for its foliage. Height: to 20m (66ft) in habitat, though much smaller in containers
Passiflora edulis: purple and white flowers from spring to autumn. Height to 5m (16ft)
P. quadrangularis AGM: (f) red, purple and white flowers from midsummer to autumn. Height to 15m (49ft)
Philodendron scandens (syn. P. hederaceum) AGM: grown as a foliage plant. Height to 6m (19¼ft)
Rhodochiton atrosanguineum (syn. volubilis) AGM: black to reddish-purple flowers from summer to autumn. Height: to 3m (10ft)
Stephanotis floribunda AGM: (f) white flowers from spring to autumn. Height: to 6m (19¼ft)

Shrubs and shrubby perennials

Aphelandra squarrosa ‘Louisae’ AGM: yellow and maroon-tinged flowers appearing sporadically from spring to autumn. Height and spread: to 2m (6½ft) by 1.5m (5ft)
Asparagus densiflorus ‘Sprengeri’ AGM: grown for its foliage. Height and spread: to 90cm (3ft) by 1.2m (4ft)
Begonia ‘Lucerna’: rose-pink flowers in summer. Height and spread: to 2.1m (7ft) by 35cm (14in)
B. sutherlandii AGM: orange flowers in summer. Height and spread: 12.5cm (5in) by 45cm (18in)
Billbergia × windii AGM: red-margined, purple-tipped, green flowers from pink bracts in summer. Height and spread: 50cm (20in) by 25cm (10in) or more
Bouvardia × domestica: white, pink or red flowers in summer and autumn. Height and spread: both to 60cm (2ft)
Brugmansia arborea ‘Knightii’ AGM: (f) double-white flowers in summer and autumn. Height and spread: 5m (16ft) by 2.4m (8ft)
B. × candida ‘Grand Marnier’ AGM: (f) single cream flowers aging to orange, in summer and autumn. Height and spread: 5m (16ft) by 2.4m (8ft).
B. sanguinea AGM: yellow, red-tipped flowers from spring to autumn. Height and spread to 10m (33ft) by 3m (10ft)
Brunsfelsia pauciflora AGM: (f) purple flowers aging to white, from spring to summer. Height and spread: to 3m (10ft) by 1.5m (5ft)
B. ‘Macrantha’: large purple flowers from spring to summer. Height and spread: to 3m (10ft) by 1.5m (5ft)
Cestrum aurantiacum: orange flowers from spring to early summer. Height and spread to 3m (10ft) by 2m (6½ft)
C. elegans AGM: crimson, purple-red or pink flowers, from summer to autumn. Height and spread: both to 3m (10ft)
C. ‘Newellii’ AGM: crimson flowers from summer to autumn. Height and spread: both to 3m (10ft)
C. parqui AGM: (f) lime-yellow flowers from summer to autumn. Height and spread: both to 2m (6½ft)
Citrus × microcarpa AGM (calamondin): (f) white flowers from spring to summer. Height and spread: to 6m (19¼ft) by 3m (10ft)
Crossandra infundibuliformis AGM: orange-yellow, to salmon-pink flowers, all year round. Height and spread: 90cm (3ft) by 60cm (2ft)
Erythrina crista-galli AGM: deep-red flowers from summer to autumn. Height and spread: to 19m (29¼ft)
Ficus benjamina AGM: grown for its foliage. Height and spread: to 30m (99ft) by 15m (49ft) in habitat, though much smaller in containers
F. elastica: grown for its foliage. Height and spread: both to 60m (198ft) in habitat, though much smaller in containers
F. lyrata AGM: grown for its foliage. Height and spread: to 30m (99ft) by 20m (66ft) in habitat, though much smaller in containers
F. microcarpa: grown for its foliage. Height and spread: to 25m (82ft) by 30m (99ft) in habitat, though much smaller in containers
Gardenia jasminoides AGM: (f) white flowers from summer to autumn. Height and spread: to 12m (39½ft)
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis: bright crimson flowers form summer to autumn. Height and spread: to 5m (16ft) by 3m (10ft)
Justicia brandegeeana (syn. Beloperone guttata) AGM: pink bracts with white flowers all year round. Height and spread: both to 90cm (3ft)
Mimosa pudica AGM: grown for its foliage. Height and spread: to 75cm (30in) by 90cm (3ft)
Pachystachys lutea AGM: yellow bracts with white flowers in summer. Height and spread: to 90cm (3ft) by 75cm (30in)
Pilea cadierei AGM: grown for its foliage. Height and spread: to 30cm (12in) by 20cm (8in)
Salvia rutilans: scarlet flowers from winter to spring. Height and spread: to 1.8m (6ft) by 90cm (3ft)
Senna corymbosa (syn. Cassia corymbosa): yellow flowers in late summer. Height and spread: to 4m (13ft) by 3m (10ft)

Bulbous, rhizomatous and herbaceous plants

Aechmea fasciata AGM: blue and pink flowers from pink bracts in summer. Height and spread: 40cm (16in) by 50cm (20in)
Amaryllis belladonna AGM: (f) pink flowers in autumn. Height and spread: 60cm (2ft) 10cm (4in)
Asclepias curassavica: red or orange-red flowers from summer to autumn. Height and spread: 90cm (3ft) by 60cm (2ft)
Asplenium nidus AGM: grown for its foliage. Height and spread: to 15m (5ft) by 90cm (3ft)
Begonia foliosa var. miniata AGM: Height and spread: 45cm (18in) by 30cm (1ft)
B. haageana (syn. B. scharffii): pinkish-white flowers from winter to spring. Height and spread: 1.2m (4ft) by 60cm (2ft)
B. metallica AGM: red flowers in autumn. Height and spread: 90cm (3ft) by 60cm (2ft)
Calathea cooperi: grown for its foliage. Height and spread: to 5m (16ft) by 4m (13ft)
Cyrtanthus elatus (syn. C. purpureus, Vallota speciosa) AGM: scarlet flowers in late summer. Height and spread: to 60cm (2ft) by 10cm (4in)
Ensete ventricosum (syn. Musa ensete): grown for its foliage. Height and spread: 6m (19½ft) or more by 5m (16ft)
Fittonia albivenis Verschaffeltii Group AGM: grown for its foliage. Height and spread: 10cm (4in) by indefinite
Haemanthus albiflos AGM: white flowers from autumn to winter. Height and spread: to 30cm (12in) by 15cm (6in)
H. coccineus AGM: red flowers in summer and autumn. Height and spread: to 35cm (14in) by 15cm (6in)
Hymenocallis × festalis: (f) white flowers in summer. Height and spread: 80cm (32in) by 30cm (1ft)
H. ‘Sulphur Queen’: (f) sulphur-yellow flowers in summer. Height and spread: 60cm (2ft) by 30cm (1ft)
Kohleria eriantha (syn. K. hirsuta) AGM: yellow-spotted, orange-red flowers in summer. Height and spread: 1.2m (4ft) by 30cm (1ft)
Musa acuminata ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ AGM: grown for its foliage. Height and spread: to 6m (19½ft) by 3m (10ft)
Platycerium bifurcatum AGM: grown for its foliage. Height and spread: to 90cm (3ft) by 80cm (32in)
Polianthes tuberosa: (f) white flowers in summer. Height and spread: 1.2m (4ft) by 15cm (6in)
Ruellia makoyana AGM: carmine-pink flowers in summer. Height and spread: 60cm (2ft) by 45cm (18in)
Spathiphyllum wallisii: (f) white flowers in spring and summer. Height and spread: 65cm (26in) by 50cm (20in)
Sprekelia formosissima: deep-crimson flowers in spring. Height and spread: to 35cm (14in) by 15cm (6in)

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